1. Happiness is a chemical response, do not get addicted to it.
7. A good mind is a mind put to good use.
6. Start not what you can’t finish.
5. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
4. There is no hereafter.
2. Death is inevitable, life is not.
3. Give more to receive more.

8. You’ve lived too long if you can’t find anything to amuse you.
12. Brevity comes from clarity.
11. Every living thing and every moving object
owe their life and motion to another entity.
owe their life and motion to another entity.
10. True mettle comes with a metallic taste
in mouth.
in mouth.
9. Even your pet dog will bite if you tried taking food out of
his mouth.
his mouth.

13. A bat will respond to , “what do you see,” with “what do you hear?”
19. If praying can make God happy, who holds the string?
21. All good things in life are either forbidden, fattening or married to someone else.
20. Every choice, every action is followed by a release of happy chemicals;
we are born addicted.
we are born addicted.
18. 100,000 years of evolution is not enough to subdue our killing instincts.
17. Our condescending nature shows in how we named ourselves, sapiens!
16. Men are to be encouraged, not controlled.
14. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is a genetic program, male sexual dysfunction
(MSD), a disorder.
(MSD), a disorder.
15. Women are to be loved, not understood.

22. Scorpion stings without thinking about it.
27. A belief is merely a composite of imperfect observations.
26. What goes in your mouth can hurt you, and what goes out of your mouth can hurt others.
25. Humans are the only species on earth that can kill at distance, totally disrupting Darwinian predictions.
23. Golden Rule: He who has gold rules.
24. Nonsense reaching to the highest limit becomes sensible—Nostradamus is one example.

28. A belief is merely a composite of imperfect observations.
33. If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing now!
32. How would the five billion who believe that there is hell and heaven behave
if they find out the truth?
if they find out the truth?
31. Men with mettle are just as rare as rare earth metals.
29. Evolution, by definition, is a slow process, we haven’t evolved enough to understand how slow?
30. Tolerance to domesticated grains will take a few million years, stay omnivore till then.

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